UMass Memorial Health Care
The Case for Change
Affordable, Compassionate, Quality Health Care

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Employee updates

To make the changes necessary to become more affordable to our patients, we first need to understand why this is important. UMass Memorial Health Care sends messages to staff to provide the background.
May 2013
April 2013
March 2013
Negotiations resumed between the Medical Center and the MNA at separate tables on March 25 and March 26. The Medical Center met with MNA-MH bargaining team on March 25 and the MNA-U bargaining team on March 26. Below are links to the proposals that the MNA and the Medical Center made during their negotiations on March 25 and March 26.
  The Medical Center also mailed separate letters to the MNA-MH and MNA-U nurses' homes to further explain its proposal on staffing at the Medical Center. Below are links to those letters:
  Finally, the Medical Center has already agreed to MNA proposals concerning holiday payouts, clarification of holiday shifts and scheduling, vacation, seniority and reductions in force, and we have invested thousands of dollars on software to provide more detail to nurses regarding leave accruals. Those tentative agreements are linked below:
January 2013
The following are links to the proposals that the Medical Center and the MNA made during their joint negotiations on January 22, 28, 30 and 31. These proposals do not reflect either the Medical Center’s or the MNA’s current positions—they are proposals made during joint negotiations only.

For the sole purpose of trying to reach a fair agreement quickly, we agreed to joint bargaining with the MNA on a one-time basis only. The Medical Center and MNA met for joint bargaining sessions on January 22, 28, 30 and 31. Both parties agreed to ground rules that expressly stated we would resume bargaining separately if an agreement was not reached by January 31. Because the parties did not reach an agreement by January 31, the Medical Center and the MNA will continue negotiations at the separate MNA-U and MNA-MH tables.
Today is February 15, 2025